The 11th international, interdisciplinary and topic centred exhibition project 2023
Cell in SHAPE and the GHOST in the Shell - Part 1 and 2
21 positions out of art and literature |
Opening: Saturday 4th November 2023, 6 pm
Exhibition: 4.11.2023 – 23.2.2024 and 13.3. – 14.6.2024
Opening hours: Mi–Fr 15 – 18 Uhr
(Saturdays 25.11.2023 and 9.12.2023 also
27.1. and 10.2.2024 from 5 – 8 pm)
Literary Performance by The Tongues - 4.11.2023, 7 pm
HERZ IST NIE AUSREICHEND EINE / How's things?/ zwischenzeitig irdisch
by Eleonore Weber & Lorena Pircher & Elisa Asenbaum
The Tongues group interprets lyrical texts in three-part tones.
The texts correspond with the exhibited works of the project and enliven the spirits!
With works by:
Amalia Foka, Anticipating 2020s (Experimental video) - Anna Brody, this is the only thing we've got (Experimental video) - Anna Martynenko, Freedom of the body (Photographie Digital Print) - Anna Maria Kursawe, Cluster (Painting) - Eleonore Weber, HERZ IST NIE AUSREICHEND EINE (Mixed media installation) - Edin Bajric´, Wurzel, Keim, Innereien (Painting) - Isolde Gorsboth, Das Spiel weiß nicht, was du tun wirst (Painting) - Josephine Riemann, Von schwerer Hand (Object) - Kornelia Hoffmann, LUCA (3 pages out of the seria since 2018, ongoing, grafic) - Carmen Alber und Lorena Pircher, How’s things? (Mixed media) - Marco Goldenstein, Das ist die Wahrheit (ongoing seria since 2013, DIN A4 pages lamineted) - Wolfgang Neipl, Muschel Denkt Anders, 2023 (Multimedia objects) - Xiayi Su, Great Snow First Pentad, cold sets in, winter begins, White Dew First Pentad, Dew glistens white on grass (Photography) - Yoonjee Geem, EVERLUCIS 2021 (Perlmutt and other materials on canvas) - Elisa Asenbaum, zwischenzeitig irdisch (Mixed media installation) - Bettina Weiß, TVC15 (Oil and acrylic on canvas)
Elisabeth Mittag, In Effigie (Short prose) - Monika Vasik, Knochenblüten (Poem out of the book Knochenblüten, 2022, ELIF VERLAG) - Rainer Wieczorek, Kunstzelle (Drawings, 3 Pages out of the seria Kunstzellenbuch) - Ulrich Gorsboth, Digitale Fantasien in Erwartung des Unbekannten (Art history statement).
The cell is seen as a self-contained unit that communicates with the outside world; its complex structures, such as the human body or a state, are composed of it. Questions about demarcation and connectedness, specialisation and communication, as well as dependencies, spiral open like a peacock's wheel. The diversity and beauty of the forms of matter in nature and in artistic creation are wide.
On the other hand, the call is addressed to the body-mind discourse of philosophy, unresolved for years. The title of the project "Cell in Shape and the Ghost in the Shell" opens up body-centred aspects and in turn, it evokes themes around Artificial Intelligence and its social implications that are topical today. Views on body and mind/soul have an effect on each other, culturally in society as well as in dealing with matter and the environment.
Literary Performance by The Tongues
HERZ IST NIE AUSREICHEND EINE / How's things?/ zwischenzeitig irdisch
by Eleonore Weber & Lorena Pircher & Elisa Asenbaum
The Tongues group interprets lyrical texts in three-part tones.
The texts correspond with the exhibited works of the project and enliven the spirits! |
Amalia Foka
Anticipating 2020s
found film footage, science fiction novels
30 Min, 1280 x 720 pxl |
Anna Brody
this is the only thing we've got
experimental video
10 min HD-Vodeo |
Anna Martynenko
Freedom of the body PhotographyDigital Print 75 x 50cm |
Carmen Alber and Lorena Pircher
How's things?
mixed media
text and photography
print on paper
42 x 59,4 cm |
Anna Maria Kursawe
Cluster 2
painting acryl on plaster, 12 x 18 cm |
Bettina Weiß
oil and acrylic on canvas
ø 40 cm |
Eleonore Weber
HERZ IST NIE AUSREICHEND EINE (Heart is never enough one)
mixed media installation
text, wax sculptures, LED lights, glass bottles, plastic tubes, polystyrene, batteries
120 cm x 120 cm |
Elisa Asenbaum
zwischenzeitig irdisch (intermediately earthly)
mixed media installation
interirdisch I from the series interirdisch, continuous, digital print on paper, poems on paper
120 x 200 x 50 cm |
Edin Bajric
Wurzel, Keim, Innereien (Root, germ, intestines)
pastels on cardboard
each 70 x 100 cm |
Isolde Gorsboth
Das Spiel weiß nicht, was du tun wirst (The game does not know what you are going to do)
mixed ink technique on paper
23,5 x 35,5 cm |
Josephine Riemann
Von schwerer Hand (From heavy hand)
27 pieces of weight, iron wire
Object 70 x 35 cm |
Kornelia Hoffmann
3 sheets from the series, since 2018 continuous
laser print rasterized on spreadsheets
23 x 30 cm |
Marco Goldenstein
Das ist die Wahrheit (This is the truth), series since 2013, continuous
drawing installation from DIN A4 sheets, laminated |
Wolfgang Neipl
Muschel Denkt Anders, (Shell thinks differently), 2023
multimedia objects each ab. ø 50 cm |
Xiayi Su
Great Snow First Pentad, cold sets in, winter begins
White Dew First Pentad, Dew glistens white on grass
Phtography digital print on Kapa board, 28 x 42 cm |
Rainer Wieczorek
Kunstzelle (Cell of Art)
Drawing, three drawings out of the series Kunstzellenbuch
Paper, 21 x 29,7 cm |
Yoonjee Geem EVERLUCIS 2021
mother-of-pearl and different material on canvas
130 x 130 cm |
Literature |
Elisabeth Mittag
In Effigie
short prose |
Monika Vasik
Knochenblüten (Bone blossoms)
Poems from the collection Knochenblüten, 2022, ELIF VERLAG |
Ulrich Gorsboth
Digitale Fantasien in Erwartung des Unbekannten (Digital phantasies awaiting the unknown)
Art historical statement |
Im Schaufenster |
Yoonjee Geem, EVERLUCIS, 2021
Perlmutt and mixed media on canvas, 130 x 130 cm
daily: 10 am–8 pm at Schaufenster
Carmen Alber
The percentage of unpredictability, 2024
digital print on paper, 145 x 230 cm
daily: 10 am–8 pm at Schaufenster