
Das Fenster, 2011 - ongoing

Cell in SHAPE and the GHOST in the Shell - Part 1 and 2, 2023/24

x|y|z: Roomproject #13, Florian Rautenberg, Shadow Robot Information Lab - 2023

19° unexplainable 2022/23

Archive II and current impulses and POST:Bot:In, 2022

ART is DeaD ∞, 2021

11 years of arT and impulsE + Between freedom and dictatorship | the wall, 2019-20

Reflection and Appearance, a Relation-Position Project, 2018-19

Reflection and Appearance, Presentation rounds one to four, 2017-18

x|y|z: Roomproject #12, Ulli Klepalski, If Only 2017

x|y|z: Roomproject #11, Harald Köhneke, Haltestelle 2017

x|y|z: Roomproject #10, Stephan Groß, lift me up / sink or swim, 2017

A journey through the novel AUGUSTINAselbst , 2017

G.A.S-station at MUSA Vienna, 2016

International short- and longfilm videoday, 2016

x|y|z: Roomproject #9, Albert Markert, Dreaming of shopping-Terrorraum, 2016

x|y|z: Roomproject #8, Oliver Orthuber, Spouts from another world?, 2016

Augustina träumt in progressius, 2015-16

Insight :: Augustina träumt, 2015

International short- and longfilm videodays, 2015

Augustina träumt steps and process documentations, 2015

OpenProcessDay, Augustina träumt, 2015

Archiv 2_15, Nackt wie bloß, 2015

x|y|z: Roomproject #7, Burchard Vossmann, Jungle Concrete, 2014

International short- and longfilm videodays, 2014

The Perfectness and th Devect 2013/14

International short- and longfilm videodays, 2013

x|y|z: Roomproject #6, Anna-Maria Kursawe, Transitraum III, 2013

x|y|z: Roomproject #5, Ralf Tekaat, 42, 2013

NOTHING. Nothing is more beautiful!, 2012-13

Archiv 7_8, 2012

x|y|z: Roomproject #1-4, 2012

Keine ZEIT- No TIME, 2011-12

100+5 Bilder - Take Away, 2011

Das DING, 2010-11


CHAOSextended, 2010

CHAOS, 2009-10

Portrait, 2009

eMOTION, 2008-09 © 2024