
18 plus 12
April 4th - May 28th 2009

In the newest exhibition project, G.A.S station, provision for art and impulse, presents international artist's works broaching the overall-topic "portrait" in different ways. The project's focusses on a juxtaposition of different medial and formal approaches with contributions from all lines of arts. This way, different philosophical concepts and visualisations of tendencies concerning the subject that outreach the classical portraying, are to be shown.

Portrait Exhibition Flyer

Elisa Asenbaum (Painting) - Ralph Bageritz (Painting) - Bettina Bechen (Painting) - Axel Bertram (Painting/Foto) - Johannes Booz (Foto) - Thomas Born (Foto) - Anna Elisa Heine (Foto) - Jochen Höller (Painting) - Hans Klestorfer (Foto) - Mechthild Korn (Installation) - Anouk Kruithof (Foto) - Anna Maria Kursawe (Painting) - Ingrid Niedermayr (Painting) - Heike Nösslböck (Video) - Michael H. Rohde (Foto) - Cynthia Schwertsik (Painting) - Patricia Schwindkowski (Drawing) - Thomas Sturm (Painting) - Students in communicationsdesign at (F)HTW Berlin: Katrin Bugalla, Sandrin Brückl, Malte Christensen, Virginia Garfunkel, Sarah Hartwig, Malte Herok, Fabian Lefelmann, Martin Mönnich, Katharina Pätzold, Linda Radkau, Raymund Werling, Nadja Weßlowsky (Foto)

Brochure is aviable at G.A.S-station.
X - Work at G.A.S-station

Becoming Blue, 2006-2008
9 photos, C print on dibond, photography, Berlin.
(Title of a project consists of 21 portraits and 3 stillife photos)
book aviable at G.A.S-station.
Anouk Kruithof
Katrin Bugalla, Sandrin Brückl, Malte Christensen, Virginia Garfunkel, Sarah Hartwig, Malte Herok, Fabian Lefelmann, Martin Mönnich, Katharina Pätzold, Linda Radkau, Raymund Werling, Nadja Weßlowsky.
the face in digitale manipulation
Students of the (F)HTW Berlin
Portrait Erhard, 1990,
acrylic on paper, 160x220 cm
Portrait Elisabeth, 1991,
acrylic on paper, 160x220 cm, Austria.
Elisa Asenbaum
Portrait 2007
Portrait 2008, (premiere)
video, DV pal, video animation,
2 videos 1 min, loop, Austria.
Heike Nösslböck
Bücherspektrum, 2008,
carton, paper 70x80 cm
Soziogramm, 2007,
carton, paper, 70x70 cm, Austria.
Jochen Höller
Mit dem Rücken zur Wand, 2005
2 fotos each 100 x 130 cm, Germany.
Johannes Booz
Automatismen, 2008
laserprint, pencil, color polychrom pencil, 67x93 cm
(serial of nine works 29,7x21 cm), Germany.
Patricia Schwindkowski
Squeezed I, 2008
Squeezed II, 2008,
oil on canvas, 36x47 cm, Austria.
Cynthia Schwertsik
Kopf vor blauem Asphalt, 2008,
acrylic on paper on wood, 29,4x33,3 cm
Kopf in Rot, 2008,
acrylic on canvas, 20x30 cm, Germany.
Anna-Maria Kursawe
kein ritter wie meese - bop24, 2006,
67x52 cm, Germany.
bop22, 2006,
pigment Ink-Jet-Print on Alu-Dibond, 67x100 cm
Michael H. Rohde
Lenin Portrait, 2001,
out of the seria "Metaphysik des Verschwindens", lenticular, lambdaprint behind lentilgrid on aludibond, 66x45 cm
Marilyn 2002, 1982,
highlighter, varnish and pastell on b/w scratch on photocopy pencil drawing on MDF, 65x60 cm, Germany.
Ralph Bageritz
L.A. Girl 1, 2004-2008
mixed media on canvas; 2 x 39x60 cm, Germany.
Thomas Sturm
Horn & Beine ca. 2000 – 2008, 2009,
digital fotos on digitalframe, Europe.
Anna Elisa Heine - Thomas Born
Selbstversuch, 2009,
carton, 80x100 cm, Germany.
Axel H. Bertram
urs und greta, 2006,
b/w foto, 30x45 cm, France.
Hans Klestorfer
Airborn II, 2008,
oil on canvas, 140x140 cm, Austria.
Ingrid Niedermayr
Mein ERNST und ich, 2009 (1989 – 2009),
installation, 220x200x60 cm, pictures and objekts in different technics and sices, Germany.
Mechthild Korn
Betty Boo, 2008,
acrylic on canvas, 50x90 cm, Germany.
Bettina Bechen
nach oben

The Brochure is aviable at G.A.S-station. © 2009