
The chaos is always and everywhere
October 8th - January 27th 2010

CHAOScard Information flyer

The focus of the projects is the juxtaposition of various medial and formal approaches. Therefore, scientific contributions as well as artistic contributions of all sorts are shown - filmlets, installations, plastic & fine arts, performances, literature and music presentations concerning the subject.

Alpago Alpago (Literature), Elisa Asenbaum und Tomax (Video, Foto), Ruben Aubrecht (Foto), Franco Berardi (Science), Reinhold A. Bertlmann und Tanja Traxler (Science), Nina Dick (Lecture), Franz Embacher (Science), Clint Enns (Video), Dominic Gagnon (Video), Matthias Geitel (Fine Art), Hans-Jürgen Grimm (Fine Art), Florian Grond (Videoinstallation), Yikui (Coy) Gu (Fine Art), Stephanie Hanna (Fine Art), Harald Hofer (Science), Jochen Höller (Fine Art), Batya Horn, Christian Baier - Edition Splitter (Literature), Jang Young Jung (Video), Team K.U.SCH. (Renate Krätschmer, Jörg Schwarzenberger, Sito Schwarzenberger) (Installation), Karl W. Kratky (Science), Yvonne Lacet (Foto), Ruggero Maggi (Video), Martin Motycka (Fine Art), Chris Nau (Fine Art), Wolfgang Neipl (Video), Otto Neumaier (Science), Erin Newell (Fine Art), Herwig Peterlik (Science), Günter Puller (Video), Gernot Riether (Installation), Andrew Johann Salgado (Video), Nina Samuel (Lecture), Käthe Schönle (Fine Art), Vadim Schäffler und Sebastian Reuter (Video, Music), Klaus Taschler (Video, Installation), Ralf Tekaat (Installation), Mirko Tzotschew (Video), Barbara Ueber (Video, Performance), Frans van Lent (Video), Lorelinde L.J.M. Verhees (Foto), Bernhard Weingartner und Stefan Rotter (Science).

October 8th 2009 - Januar 27th 2010

CHAOS extended: Feb. 2nd - 19th 2010 - The Cloud Project, Interactive Installation

Catalogue aviable at G.A.S-station.
X - Work at G.A.S-station

kindly supported by:
Bundesministerium für Unterrricht und Kunst ÖsterreichKoninkrijk der NederlandeÖsterreichisches Kulturforum
Team K.U.SCH. (Renate Krätschmer, Jörg Schwarzenberger, Sito Schwarzenberger)
BODEN BEDECKT, VOLLER LEERE, 2009, Pre-PET-bottles with gold ties, roominstallation
Team K.U.SCH. (Renate Krätschmer, Jörg Schwarzenberger, Sito Schwarzenberger)
Clint Enns The Death of Natural Language, 2007, video, 2´54 min
Clint Enns
Florian Grond hear and now, 2007, generative audio-visual installation
Florian Grond
Klaus Taschler Stampede, 2009, installation/animation, video, 5’30 min
Klaus Taschler
Yvonne Lacet Playground, 2009, photography, C-print, 94 x 120 cm
Yvonne Lacet
Matthias Geitel IOCYÀN - NYC Pixelbild, 2007, digitalprint on paper, 120 x 150 cm
Matthias Geitel
rollover Detail, Jochen Höller X
Liebesroman II, 2009, paper-collage, 80 x 100 cm
Jochen Höller
rollover Detail, Elisa Asenbaum & Tomax Am Kipppunkt von Mikro- zu Makrokosmos: 100 Entscheidungen in 6 Minuten, 2009, mixed media, installation
Elisa Asenbaum & Tomax
Yikui (Coy) Gu The Longest Purple Line I Have Ever Drawn, 2009, pen on paper, 45 x 60 cm
Yikui (Coy) Gu
rollover Detail, Käthe Schönle Insects & Offspring, 2009, installation, mixed media in showcase, 85 x 60 x 6 cm
Käthe Schönle
Erin Newell Let Fall, 2009, printmaking sculpture, 26 x 50 cm
Erin Newell
Martin Motycka 9 Humanstruktur, 2009, rapporte on hard fibre, 100 x 100 cm
Martin Motycka
Ralf Tekaat Aus : Auf der Suche nach Thomas R. Pynchon, 2002-2004, installation
Ralf Tekaat
Ruben Aubrecht IMMATERIELL, 2002-2005, C-print on aluminium, 97,5 x 130 cm
Ruben Aubrecht
Hans-Jürgen Grimm Kurbelbild Chaos, 2009
wood, rollpaper 32 x 38,5 cm
Hans-Jürgen Grimm
Lorelinde L.J.M. Verhees Tree Hugs, 2008, photography, C-print on aluminium, 45 x 30 cm
Lorelinde L.J.M. Verhees
Chris Nau X
Abel and Remus Resting in Peace as their Big Brothers Command iSky to Unleash Operation Sudden Freedom, 2007, oil on panel with acrylic on wood inlay, 120 cm x 102 cm
Chris Nau
Stephanie Hanna Komplott-Set aus der Serie “Zen oder die Kunst des Einkaufens“, 2009, fotoobjects, 13 x 18 cm
Stephanie Hanna
Herwig Peterlik Microscopicpictures, 2005
Herwig Peterlik
Karl W. Kratky Blickwinkel und Weltbilder nach dem Buch: Komplementäre Medizinsysteme. Vergleich und Integration
Karl W. Kratky
Bernhard Weingartner, Stefan Rotter Narben im Quantenchaos, 2005, eps-files
Bernhard Weingartner, Stefan Rotter
Harald Hofer Spezies auf dem Weg ins Chaos, 2009, interactive simulation/javaprogramming
Harald Hofer
Reinhold A. Bertlmann, Tanja Traxler Decoherence and the transition from quantum to classical physics, 2009, poster
Reinhold A. Bertlmann, Tanja Traxler
Elfriede Gerstl, Herbert J. Wimmer, Edition Splitter Aus: Elfriede Gerstl: Kleiderflug oder lost clothes. Schreiben-Sammeln-Lebensräume. Edition Splitter Wien, 2007. Herbert J. Wimmer: Alfabet des Wohnens, Fotoserie
Günter Brus Edition Splitter Günter Brus, Weltanschauung 2007
Aus: Batya Horn & Christian Baier (Hrsg.): Pedanten und Chaoten [Eine Anthologie]
Edition Splitter Wien, 2008
Edition Splitter Pedanten und Chaoten [Eine Anthologie]
Edition Splitter, Wien
Günter Brus Edition Splitter Günter Brus, Weltanschauung 2007
Aus: Batya Horn & Christian Baier (Hrsg.): Pedanten und Chaoten [Eine Anthologie]
Edition Splitter Wien, 2008
Alpago Alpago Lawinen, Vulkane, Wasser
Alpago Alpago
edition nove, 2009
Mirko Tzotschew VTB3, 2008, video, 22 min
Mirko Tzotschew
dominic Gagnon RIP IN PIECES AMERICA, 2009, video, 62 min
Dominic Gagnon
Wolfgang Neipl Study #1, 2009, abstract video, 2’33 min
Wolfgang Neipl
Ruggero Maggi Step by step, 2004, video, 12´51 min
Ruggero Maggi
Frans van Lent Spin, 2007, video, 3’48 min
Frans van Lent
Günter Puller Yellow Pages, 2006, video, 2 min
Günter Puller
Andrew Salgado The Dance, 2009, video, 4´20 min
Andrew Salgado
Vadim Schäffler Kugelstaat, 2007, video, 3D-animation, 3’41 min
Vadim Schäffler,
Music: Sebastian Reuter
JangYoung Tagesschu, 2009, video, 9´55 min
Barbara Ueber Musicerformance Video Ameisen Komposition Nr.1 musicperformance/video
Barbara Ueber
Andreas Hermann Braml
Nina Dick -Lecture I´m looking for chaos, but I can´t find it here! - lecture
Nina Dick
Seminar mit Studenten der Kunstgeschichte des Hermann von Helmholtz-Zentrum für Kulturtechnik in der G.A.S-station und anschließender Führung durch die CHAOS Ausstellung. Weitere Infos im weblog.
Gernot Riether Cloud Project, 2009, interactive installation from february 2nd 2010 on
Gernot Riether

Opening hours during exhibition:
Tue-Fry 2 - 7 pm and Sat 2 - 5 pm
or by appointment.

CHAOS - Catalogue
aviable at G.A.S-station.
pages 100, 4 colors
normalprize: 47 Euro
funding prize: on from 50 Euro

Videos were daily shown during open hours.

Exhibitions-newspaper with the contribution of the University of Rome "La Sapienza" and G.A.S-station aviable

Lecture / Performance:
Fr. Nov. 27th 2009, 7 - 10 pm
Nina Dick, I´m looking for chaos, but I can´t find it here!, lecture

Barbara Ueber
Andreas Hermann Braml,
Ants - Composition Nr. 1, musicperformance / video

Fr. Dezember 4th 2009, 7 - 9 pm
Nina Samuel, "Vom Bilderdenken in der Chaosforschung", lecture

October 30th and January 12th 2010, 8 - 10 pm
Mirko Tzotschew, VTB3, 2008, video, 22 min
Dominic Gagnon, RIP in PIECES AMERICA, 2009, video, 62 min

Informationen about the videoevening as pdf

Guided tours with Elisa Asenbaum
28.11., 5.12.2009, 9.1.2010
3-4.30 pm © 2009