The G.A.S-station, filling station for art and impulse, Berlin, sees itself as a living space for cross-disciplinary neighborhoods. On an ongoing basis, we gather contributors from art, science and literature in our international, cross-disciplinary exhibition projects.
This was un:chained Post:Bot:In - further information you find now at archive page
un:chained picture
In times like these, when respectful manners are not only necessary but also mandatory, the question arises as to what extent this fundamentally changes people's inner ethical attitude.

Linguistic guidelines and restrictions are a prerequisite for respectful behaviour, especially in politics and social interaction, but how morally formal restrictions affect art and literature needs to be considered: What does this mean for the freedom of art and literature?

31 postcards were sent to us for the un:chained Post:Bot:In project.
Texts, poems, personal messages, drawings, photos, socially relevant statements in relation to society and the freedom of art.

Actual at Schaufenster
Toni Kleinlercher, Installation:  Fluchtpunkt - etymdrawings

Toni Kleinlercher
Fluchtpunkt - etymdrawings

Poem and drawing.

daily: 10 am–8 pm at Schaufenster

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