The G.A.S-station, filling station for art and impulse, Berlin, sees itself as a living space for cross-disciplinary neighborhoods. On an ongoing basis, we gather contributors from art, science and literature in our international, cross-disciplinary exhibition projects.
This was
the 11th international, interdisciplinary and topic centred exhibition project
Cell in SHAPE and the GHOST in the Shell - Part 1 and 2

21 positions out of art and literature
G.A.S-station, Cell in Shape and the Ghost in the Shell

With works by:

Amalia Foka, Anticipating 2020s (Experimental video) - Anna Brody, this is the only thing we've got (Experimental video) - Anna Martynenko, Freedom of the body (Photographie Digital Print) - Anna Maria Kursawe, Cluster (Painting) - Eleonore Weber, HERZ IST NIE AUSREICHEND EINE (Mixed media installation) - Edin Bajric´, Wurzel, Keim, Innereien (Painting) - Isolde Gorsboth, Das Spiel weiß nicht, was du tun wirst (Painting) - Josephine Riemann, Von schwerer Hand (Object) - Kornelia Hoffmann, LUCA (3 pages out of the seria since 2018, ongoing, grafic) - Carmen Alber und Lorena Pircher, How’s things? (Mixed media) - Marco Goldenstein, Das ist die Wahrheit (ongoing seria since 2013, DIN A4 pages lamineted) - Wolfgang Neipl, Muschel Denkt Anders, 2023 (Multimedia objects) - Xiayi Su, Great Snow First Pentad, cold sets in, winter begins, White Dew First Pentad, Dew glistens white on grass (Photography) - Elisa Asenbaum, zwischenzeitig irdisch (Mixed media installation) - Bettina Weiß, TVC15 (Oil and acrylic on canvas)

Elisabeth Mittag, In Effigie (Short prose) - Monika Vasik, Knochenblüten (Poem out of the book Knochenblüten, 2022, ELIF VERLAG) - Rainer Wieczorek, Kunstzelle (Drawings, 3 Pages out of the seria Kunstzellenbuch) - Ulrich Gorsboth, Digitale Fantasien in Erwartung des Unbekannten (Art history statement).

G.A.S-station, Cell in Shape and the Ghost in the Shell - Vernissage
Im Schaufenster
Carmen Alber The percentage of unpredictability, 2024

Carmen Alber
The percentage of unpredictability, 2024
digital print on paper, 145 x 230 cm

daily: 10 am–8 pm at Schaufenster

A review to the exhibition by Dr. Peter Funken you can find at KUNSTFORUM International Bd.295 or you may download the exhibition review as pdf here.

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All catalogues and broshures
you may find now on the new Publications page © 2024